
Linux related stuff

Chapter 17. RAID


  • Explain the concept of RAID
  • Summarize RAID levels
  • Configure RAID
  • Monitor RAID devices
  • Use hot spares


Stands for Redundancy Array of Indenpendent Disks, its objective is to span a filesystem over several physical disks (partitions). It allows the increase I/O performance and reliability

Raid can be implemented at these levels

Chapter 16. Logical Volume Management


  • Understand the concept of LVM
  • Create a Logical Volumes
  • Display Logical Volumes
  • Delete a Logical Volumes
  • Expand a Logical Volumes
  • Shrink a Logical Volumes
  • Use Logical Volumes snapshots


Logical Volume Management is a mechanism whose purpose is to abtract the filesystem from the device, thus allowing a filesystem to span across several devices and partitions.

The most important operations that can be accomplished within a filesystem with LVM are


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