
Linux related stuff

Chapter 25. I/O Scheduling

I/O scheduling


  • Explain the importance of I/O scheduling
  • Understand how Completely Fair Queue and Deadline algorithms work

I/O Scheduling

It is the interface between the generic block layer and the low-level physical device. Both Virtual Memory and Virtual File system layers submit I/O request to block devices, its the job of the I/O scheduling layer to prioritize and order these requests before they are given to the block devices.

Any I/O scheduling system has to satisfy certain conflicting requirements:

Chapter 24. I/O Monitoring and Tuning



The relationship among I/O and system performance is complex, in order to tackle the challenge of resource monitoring we can use iostatiotop and ionice.


  • Use iostat to monitor system I/O device activity
  • Use iotop to display a constantly updated table of current I/O usage
  • Use ionice to set both the I/O scheduling class and the priority for a given process


Is the workhorse for I/O device activity monitoring on the system.


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