
Linux related stuff

Chapter 33. User Account Management


  • Explain the purpose of individual user accounts and list their main attributes
  • Create new user accounts and modify existing account properties as well as remove or lock accounts
  • Understand how user passwords are set, encrypted and stored, and how to require changes in passwords over time for security purposes
  • Explain how restricted shells and restricted accounts work
  • Understand the role of the root account and when to use it

User Accounts

Linux allows multi user support by

Chapter 32. APT


  • Explain what APT is
  • Use apt-cache to perform queries
  • Install, remove and upgrade packages using apt-get

What APT is ?

Stands from Advance Package Tool, which includes a number of utilities such as apt-get and apt-cache. These of course in turn invoke the lower level dpkg program.


Is the main APT command line tool for package management. It can be used to install, manage and upgrade individual packages or the entire system. It works with multiple repositories


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