
Linux related stuff

Chapter 13. Filesystem Features: Swap, Quotas, Usage


  • Understand the concept of swap and quotas
  • Use utilities that help manage quotas 
    • quotacheck
    • quotaon
    • quotaoff
    • edquota
    • quota
  • Use the monitoring utilities like
    • df
    • du


Its a virtual memory used to help the operating system. This swap memory is often allocated on the hard disk or a different location than the actual ram memory.

The recommended size of the swap memory is equal to the size of the actual memory.

Chapter 12. Filesystem Features : Attributes, Creating, Checking, Mounting


  • Be familiar with concepts like inodes, directory files and extended attributes
  • Create and format filesystems
  • Check and fix error on filesystems
  • Mount and unmount filesystems

Inodes, directory files and extended attributes


Its a data structure that stores information about a given file, such information includes


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