
Linux related stuff

Create hard and soft links

Hard Link

It creates a file name record pointing to a inode

​$ ln /etc/samba/smb.conf smb.conf

This will create a sencond file name record that is pointing to the inode to which the file /etc/samba/smb.conf is pointing, meaning that even if the original file name record is deleted the inode will be still accesible with this second file name record.

Soft Link

Soft links are redirections and it means that if a file is accessed through a soft link it was redirected to the original file name record and the to its corresponding inode

Linux Input Output Redirection

Standard Input [stdin]

Normally in linux the standard input is the console prompt, however this can change and set to be a file for example within the next command

$ process_that_require_a_file_as_input < file_required_by_process.txt

In this case the standard input of input was defined to be a file instead of the command prompt

Standard output [stdout]

Also the standard output in linux is the console, which generarly displays the results from an executed command


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