By abernal
Arrays are collections of data.
var passengers = ["Andres", "Paula","Carmenza","Jose"]; passengers[0]; // "Andres" passengers[2] = "Carmencita"; // ["Andres", "Paula","Carmencita","Jose"]
This function will take out the last element of the array, continue with our array "passengers" we can do the next :
var lastPassanger = passengers.pop(); alert("The last Passenger is :"+lastPassenger+" !"); // "The last Passenger is : Jose !" passengers; // ["Andres", "Paula","Carmencita"]
This function will set the last element of the array, continue with our array "passengers" we can do the next :
passengers.push("Alejandro"); passengers; // ["Andres", "Paula","Carmencita", "Alejandro"]
This function is useful in order to apply a certain operation for each of the elements of the array, returning an array with the result values.
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; var results = (arrayCell) { return arrayCell * 2; } ); console.log(results); // This will print the array : [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
This method returns the firts value of the array (from which it was called) and then it will resize the length of the array
var fastPassQueue = ["Cedar Coaster", "Pines Plunge", "Birch Bumpers", "Pines Plunge"]; var firstItem = fastPassQueue.shift(); // this will take out the first element of the array, and it will return it to the variable console.log("This is the first Item of the array : "+firstItem);
Arrays can contain a lot of stuff
- Strings
- Values
- Variables
- Other arrays
- A combination of the last ones
Multidimensional Arrays
The following image from (, ilustrates the idea

Remove an array Item
In order to remove an array Item we can follow the next procedure
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; array[0] = undefined; array; // [undefined, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8]