Java Script Functions

Java Script has some important build in functions like


Sends a message to the user in a small pop up window


alert("Hello There, this is an Alert Message!!!");


Sends a message to the user in a small pop up window in order to confirm a given action (with an Ok and Cancel options)


confirm("Hello There, are you sure you want to do this ? ");


  • if the cancel button is pressed, the return value will be false
  • if the ok button is pressed, the return value will be true


Sends a message to the user in a small pop up window in order to confirm a given action (with an Ok and Cancel options) with a text field


var userName = prompt("What is your name?");

confirm("are you sure about your name : " + userName + " ? ");


  • if the cancel button is pressed, the return value will be null (an object)
  • if there ok button is pressed and there is a string in the text field, the return value will be a string 

typeof operator

Return the type of the value within the expression


typeof true ;                        // boolean
typeof "This is a string" ;          // string
typeof 42 ;                          // number
typeof undefined ;                   // undefined
typeof null ;                        // object