How to grant sudo privilege to a given user

There are several ways to grant sudo privilege to a user in linux, two of them are the following

1. Add the user at the sudoers file

In order to grant sudo privilege to a given user in linux with sudo, follow this process

Required data

username = username that we which to grant privilege to

Sample data

username = abernal


1. As root or as an administrative user execute the next command


2. Edit the file that appears after the command execution adding the next lines (abernal ....)

# User privilege specification
root        ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
abernal     ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

2. Add the "user" to the group "wheel"

In order to grant sudo privilege to a given user in linux with sudo, follow this process

Required data

username = username that we which to grant privilege to

Sample data

username = abernal


1. As root or as an administrative user execute the next command


2. Uncomment the wheel configuration if necesary and save the file

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL

​3. As root or as an administrative user, add the user to the wheel group

​$ usermod -aG wheel alejandro