Rest In Practice : Review

REST in practice

Review of the book

Rest in practice : Hypermedia and Systems Architecture

1. The web as a platform for building distributed systems

Thinking in Resources

Basically most of the things in Internet is a resource, a document, a movie, a song, or a representation of something in the "real world".

Resource identifiers

In order to access a resource in the web is through a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). The relation between resources and URI's is: 

  • one to many

Meaning that one resource can be accessed by many URL's.

Term Comments
URI [Uniform Resource Identifier] Standard way to access web resources through the browser
IRI (International Resource Identifier) This is an update to the definition of URI to allow the use of international characters
URN (Uniform Resource Name) This is a URI with "urn" scheme, used to convey unique names in a particular "namespace".
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) It is a URI's sort of accesor used to convey information about the way in which one interacts with the identified resource.
Address Many think of resources as having "addresses" on the web.

URI Versus URL Versus URN

URL and URN are kinds of URI's
