By abernal
Review of the book
Rest in practice : Hypermedia and Systems Architecture
1. The web as a platform for building distributed systems
Thinking in Resources
Basically most of the things in Internet is a resource, a document, a movie, a song, or a representation of something in the "real world".
Resource identifiers
In order to access a resource in the web is through a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). The relation between resources and URI's is:
- one to many
Meaning that one resource can be accessed by many URL's.
Term | Comments |
URI [Uniform Resource Identifier] | Standard way to access web resources through the browser |
IRI (International Resource Identifier) | This is an update to the definition of URI to allow the use of international characters |
URN (Uniform Resource Name) | This is a URI with "urn" scheme, used to convey unique names in a particular "namespace". |
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) | It is a URI's sort of accesor used to convey information about the way in which one interacts with the identified resource. |
Address | Many think of resources as having "addresses" on the web. |
URI Versus URL Versus URN
URL and URN are kinds of URI's