Chapter 35. File Permissions and Ownership


  • Explain the concepts of
    • owner
    • group
    • world
  • Set file access right
    • read
    • write
    • execute
  • Authenticate requests for file access, against proper permissions
  • Change file permissions with
    • chmod
  • Change group ownershipt wih
    • chgrp
  • Understand the role of umask in stablishing desired permissions on newly created files
  • Use ACL to extend the simpler user, group, world and read, write and execute model

Owner, Group and World

$ ls -l some_file
-rw-rw-r-- 1 abernal www-data 1601 Mar 9 15:04 some_file

​Lets examine the first 10 characters

  1. -
    • Indicates that some_file is a file nor a folder or other type of node
  2. r
    • Indicates that the owner of the file has read priviledges
  3. w
    • Indicates that the owner of the file has write priviledges
  4. -
    • Indicates that the owner of the file do not has execute privilidges
  5. r
    • Indicates that the group of the file has read priviledges
  6. w
    • Indicates that the group of the file has write priviledges
  7. -
    • Indicates that the group of the file do not has execute priviledges
  8. r
    • Indicates that world has read priviledges
  9. -
    • Indicates that world do not has write priviledges
  10. -
    • Indicates that world do not has execute priviledges

Authentication process

  1. If the requester is the file owner, the file owner permissions are used
  2. Otherwise, if the requester is in the group that owns the files, the group permissions are examined
  3. If that doesn't succeed, the world permissions are examined

Changing Permissions : chmod

A normal user can change permissions of his own files, unless superuser.

For chmod we have

  • u
    • Stands for user
  • g
    • Stands for group
  • o
    • Stands for others or world


​$ ls -l some_file
-rw-rw-r-- 1 abernal abernal 1601 Mar 9 15:45 some_file
$ chmod uo+x,g-w some_file
$ ls -l some_file
-rwxr--r-x 1 abernal abernal 1601 Mar 9 15:47 some_file

chmod: Numerical Syntax for Permissions

Permissions can be represented either as a bitmap, usually written in octal or in symbolic form.

Octal bitmaps usually look like


While symbolic representations look like 


The octal standard stands for

  • 4
    • Read Permission
  • 2
    • Write Permission
  • 1
    • Execute Permission


  • 7
    • Means
      • read + write + execute
  • 6
    • Means
      • read + write
  • 5
    • Means
      • read + execute
  • 4
    • Means
      • read


$ chmod 755 some_file

Means that

  • User
    • Will have read/write/execute permissions
  • Group
    • Will have read/execute permissions
  • Other
    • Will have read/execute permissions

Changing User and Group File Ownership

  • chown
    • Used to change file ownershop
  • chgrp
    • Used to change group

Only superuser can change ownership on files. Likewise a user can only change group ownership to groups to which he belongs to

Changing the group ownership of a file is 

$ chgrp abernal some_file

Changing the user ownership of a file 

$ chown pbernal some_file

​Changing both at the same time

$ chown abernal:ccollazos some_file

All of the above command accept the -R argument, which stands for recursive in case we where dealing with directories and our which is to change all the files and directories within such initial one


Define the file and directory permission when they are created.

$ umask

​0002 is the most conventional value set by system administrators for users. This value is combined with the file creation permission (0666 for files and 0777 for directories) to ge the actual result


For a file we have

0666 & ~002 = 0664   which turns out to be   rw-rw-r--

For a directory
0777 & ~002 = 0775 which turns out to be rwxrwxr-x

Filesystem ACLs

Linux contains a full implementation of POSIX ACLs (Access Control List). A default set of ACLs is created at system install.

Getting and Setting ACLs

To see ACLs

$ getfacl file|directory

To set ACLs

$ setfacl options permissions file|directory
$ setfacl -m u:abernal:rx /home/abernal/some_file

To remove an ACL

$ setfacl -x u:abernal /home/abernal/file

To set the default on a directory

$ setfacl -m d:u:abernal:rx some_directory
