
Chapter 39. Network Devices and Configuration


  • Identify the network devices
  • Understand how the Operating System name the network devices and set its duties
  • Use ifconfig to 
    • Configure
    • Control
    • Query 
      • Network interface parameters
      • From the command line and from the System Configuration
  • Use the IP utility to display and control
    • Devices
    • Routing
    • Policy Based routing
    • Tunnelling
  • Know how to set default routes and static routes

Chapter 38. Network Addresses


  • Know the difference between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Get, set and change the hostname, based on the system we are using

IP Addresses

Are node's addresses used globally and uniquely across the internet. They are registered through ISPs (Internet Service Providers). It is basically a number that indentifies a node in a network.


Its a 32 bit address, composed of 4 octets, for example 




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